Brad Henderson appointed Falcons Hostplus Cup Coach for 2022
Falcons would like to announce that Brad Henderson has been appointed as Head Coach of the Falcons Hostplus Cup team for the 2022 season.
Brad has a wealth of coaching experience having coached at NRL level with the Canterbury Bulldogs as well as spending time coaching in both the QLD and NSW Cups. Brad was an assistant coach at the Falcons this season after returning to the Sunshine Coast once Trent Barrett was appointed to the Head Coach of the Canterbury Bulldogs late last year.
“Brad has an outstanding coaching resume and has coached alongside NRL head coaches Des Hasler, Dean Pay and Steve Georgallis during his time at the Canterbury Bulldogs. He has been at the Bulldogs in various coaching positions for around 7 years and we are lucky to have a coach of his experience at our Club ” CEO Chris Flannery said.
“Being a Sunshine Coast local – Brad has extensive knowledge of our local clubs and has also had a long history with the Falcons Football Club having previously coached here in our lower grades before he moved to Sydney to coach at the Bulldogs. He is very passionate about developing our nursery of local talent into Hostplus Cup and NRL stars of the future and we look forward to working closely with him over the upcoming season ” Flannery added.
2021 Head Coach Sam Mawhinney has decided to move to back to a full time school teaching role. The Falcons would like to thank Sam for his efforts over the past 2 years and we wish him all the very best.